Monday, 29 May 2017

Science Award Winners

During our assembly on Thursday, each class handed out two awards for achievement and effort during Science for the year.

Congratulations to Phoebe and Kriti for their work during Science this year.

Our Science learning this term has been all about our Solar System. There are a few links on our Science tab for you to look at and feel free to ask you child what they have learned.

For the more adventurous, try wrapping your brain around these videos.

Did you know that the earth actually takes 23.9 hours to do a full rotation? So why are our days 24 hours?

Thursday, 25 May 2017

A visit from Bunnings

We had our special visit from Bunnings on Thursday this week. Our students then helped put together a new garden bed and a compost bin.

Well done MACC students.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Where we live

Geography research lesson

Students have been exploring the differences and similarities between where they live and the city of Surabaya in Indonesia. During this lesson they were asked to research some geographical information about where they live. Students were put into random groups and given one of five different sized areas to research - Mount Annan, Macarthur, greater Sydney, NSW or Australia.

We will use this information to compare with our friends from Indonesia.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Tuesday morning English activities

Term 2 is moving along nicely and 5B students have been very settled. Here is a bit of a snap shot of some of our morning activities on a Tuesday:

Before the day: Devotions

This week we have been exploring what the Bible has to say about humility and love.

Learning Session 1: Daily 5

Students started off with Word Work. Each student has had a list of words that highlight a certain pattern in spelling. This being the second week with their words, students partnered up and spent time today reading out each others words and placing them in their correct pattern list. This is called a blind sort as their partner doesn't see the word until they indicate where it should be placed.

Next, we had a mini lesson on looking out for interesting words in our reading. When students did their Read to Self or Read to Someone, they were encouraged to write down a couple of words that they found interesting and try to use them throughout the day.

Learning session 2: English ConceptsPoetry

Students have been learning about poetry and figurative language this term. We have already explored terms such as similes, metaphors, rhyme, rhythm, onomatopoeia and repetition and repetition, but today we looked at my personal favourite, personification.

After looking at some examples and having a discussion, we headed outside to see if we could be inspired by our surroundings. Students wrote down some ideas they came up with which we will form into a poem later on.


Stay tuned to Freshgrade to see the final copy.

Students have been given an updated time table this week. Why not spend some time with them and let them explain to you what goes on in the classroom during each of our learning sessions.

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Exciting TinkerTime news

Students in Stage 3 have been exploring sustainability and how plants grow during TinkerTime on Fridays this term.

Our College won a scarecrow competition during the Camden show which has enabled us to get a special visit from Bunnings. This grant will enable us to set up some composting and/or worm farms. Our students in the process of getting ready for this visit.

During last Friday's lesson, students were reviewing what they learned from their excursion to the MacArthur center for sustainable living. We then began looking at how we could apply some of this new knowledge and understanding to our context at the College.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Cross Country

Cross country was on this Friday and our student competed enthusiastically.... well mostly.

I was able to get a few action shots as they ran 3km around the College.