MACC Homework Policy Guideline:
Stage 2 25-30 minutes per weeknight (including 15 minutes reading time)
Stage 3 30-40 minutes per weeknight (including 20 minutes reading time)

1: Reading - Each night (if possible). Keep a record in the reading log that is in your diary.
2: Complete Maths activities (usually Mathletics.) Show parents what you are doing. These tasks are chosen based on individual needs.
3: Complete any Google Classroom assignment or task that has been given out.
4: Log on to Quill.org and complete tasks on Grammar that have been set.
If additional activities are required:
- any website or game that helps consolidate times tables skills. Mastery of tables is a vital foundation for work from here on.
- any other activity to consolidate skills being taught in class.
- Find an interest and develop a deeper understanding of that topic through reading, viewing, questioning and experimenting. If it is video games, find out how to make your own through coding (Scratch, coding.org)
If your child is having difficulties at all with homework, please put a note in the diary and get them to show their teacher.
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